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Writer's pictureApril Kent

Favourite time of the year

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

October. One of my favourite months of the year. The milder days, all the nature colour changes but mainly because I love Halloween :)

When my children were much younger, we would have a party every year.....The house would be decorated inside and out. I would go out and celebrate on other nights during that week leading up to Halloween too with the adults in my life. Once they were older, we reverted to an annual trip to Alton Towers in fancy dress :D Absolutely NO cares what people thought of us, my car is still decorated with black Halloween stickers 3 years on lol.

This year, I treated us to stay over the night before in these "stargazing pods". Unfortunately, as cute as they were, the ceiling was present and there was no stargazing of any kind lol. Aside that, it was nice to be into the park when it opened and make the most of the day.

On the same weekend, I offer the kids to go out for something to eat. Ciaran was not interested but Skye always loves a meal so off we trotted to 5 Guys for an expensive but oh so tasty bit of grub. This is where I discovered how wonky Skye's index fingers were.........

Kayleigh sent me a scrummy picture of Keane, I managed to treat myself to an opthalmoscope for my own NIPE's, even got it engraved (cos I'm a sad wench hehe)! I got a message from good old NHS track and trace. I had hosted my first Ann Summers party since lockdown had started, we had 6 people there including me and lo and behold, my poor hostess lost her sense of taste, got a PCR and tested positive for Covid :(

Track and trace didn't get in touch with me until 1 week later though. I got a text and an email while at work in the hospital. So (even though I know I'd had Covid already and might have still had antibodies), I had potentially taken the virus to work and to my mum and dads. Because it took so long for them to be in touch! Not very good is it!?!?!?! So, I sent a ranting email to track and trace and isolated for the next week. I put a request in for the isolation payment because I worked out that I would be losing about £500 by isolating. But it was not worth risking being at work and potentially being fined £1,000!!!

I also treated myself to Community hehe (e-learning..... not so much a treat lol!)

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