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TPM Colours Square
Warning, this read is a little lengthy. Just a bit about me and my journey to midwifery

.... this is a bit wordy!

April Kent, new mum, 2 children, pregnancy
April, her kids, one of her soul mates and the pets!
TPM Colours Square
When I became pregnant myself, I decided I wanted to be a midwife. Before that, I had no idea that there was this special breed of human that was in a position to make or break your experience of pregnancy, birth and parenthood! My 1st midwife was lovely. Stern, old school, a bit scary but also just lovely! My 2nd midwife - totally different, younger, had her ways but was also quite laid back. 
I currently have the pleasure of having 2 kidults. My first was born in 2002. I was induced ​for preeclampsia, experienced pethidine and a beefy epidural, my baby had fetal blood sampling done because he was "sleepy" and I was monitored to within an inch of my life! I birthed him vaginally and was presented with a scrawny, scrappy looking baby (I went on to learn that he was not grown to his best potential, probably due to the raised blood pressure I had from 36 weeks pregnant). He was mixed fed. My second childling was born in 2005 by emergency c-section after it being thought that I’d "labour quickly" following the breaking of my waters! I had been induced again for preeclampsia, I was at college, had Pelvic Girdle Pain from 23 weeks pregnant, and was just starting my journey to midwifery. I had sold myself a home birth (haha!), an active birth (hahahaha!) and it all went pear-shaped, including the breastfeeding!!
As an NHS midwife (qualified in September 2010), I have cared for many women from different walks of life. I have encountered different types of support that are required at all times in and out of the hospital environment in all stages of pregnancy. I have witnessed many of the things that can happen during the childbearing period. My passion for midwifery has always remained strong, amidst personal and professional challenges, but I am SO proud to be a midwife in every aspect! I have ALWAYS been a firm believer in continuity of care AND carer, the evidence to support it is well documented and I am now in a position to offer it all as a private midwife (especially as my children are older and I can just swan off whenever I feel like it lol).
I have been told by many of whom I have cared for in the past that I do what midwifery says on its tin; encompass all kinds of care and values, in the style of a professional friend, whilst being able to bring the appropriate humour*!!
In May 2019 I looked again into practising privately for a few reasons, and the main one was due to time constraints in providing gold standard care for mums and their babies. Unfortunately, I launched myself in November 2019 right before Covid-19 hit, so I was unable to put my all into it and went on to work back at my local hospital (as a flexible staffing member) to help out my colleagues during this awful time.

I knew when I qualified as a midwife that I would want to be an independent some day, and I'm here now, whacking the independent icing onto my midwifery carrot cake :)
(*Some humour is an absolute MUST, but I am professional and try to use it wisely hehehe!)
April Kent - The Passionate Midwife © - January 2025
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