Birth Chit Chat
Pick my brains for whatever you can get :)
Service Description
Whenever you're ready (but ideally before or by 36 weeks pregnant), we can have a good old chat about the things that most people worry about - labour, birth and immediately after! We can do it all in one go or split is over 2 visits (may induce information overload lol!) Exploring ideas about how to make this experience yours, and yours ALONE, ensuring you are as best prepared for anything that could be thrown your way. Increasing your knowledge and confidence to ask ANY questions about things that might affect yours and your baby's wellbeing. You can write these thoughts and preferences down, tell your birth partner/s so they can help you advocate for yourself if you can't at the time. Having open conversations about your choices and being comfortable with asking questions to professionals providing care for you doesn't make you awkward, demanding or obstructive. It means you know what you would like, what will work for you and your baby, and confirms to you whether the recommendation being offered is acceptable or negotiable (depending on the situation). Over the last 14 years, there aren't many scenarios I haven't been involved with, witnessed or been aware of. This means I can advise you about why most procedures may be offered, why an outcome might happen and how that's likely to look for you and your family.
Contact Details
Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, UK